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How to Become a Computer Scientist

Article • reading time: 10 min. | 05. Sep 2023, written by Kobi Cohen

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Computer Science vs Programming

Let’s start by defining what is computer science, because that is a discipline that stands at the basis of everything else when it comes to programming, software, and hardware work. For starters, it’s important to understand that computer science is not the same as computer programming; the former is the research-based approach to computer work, and the latter is the practical, day-to-day work conducted in the world of computation.

So, what does that mean? In practice, you could find your first job as a computer programmer without studying computer science, but only focusing on learning one or more programming languages. This can be done independently through books and online resources, or through boot camps, where you study with others over a few weeks or months, focusing only on the practical, daily work of computer programming – writing code. 

But there’s a major downside to that approach: your career prospects will be limited, and you won’t be able to advance to more senior roles. Granted, programming jobs pay relatively well compared to other jobs, but programmers without computer science and research or development skills are not likely to see their salaries increasing significantly over time. In addition, competition for good programming jobs is fierce, especially for entry-level jobs, and candidates with an academic background in computer science have better chances compared to programmers without such knowledge. 

So, if you're seriously thinking about a real career in tech, you should really consider getting an academic degree – it will pay dividends over time, and even right after you graduate, as the knowledge you’ll have could help you overcome many of the obstacles junior computer programmers have to face. 


What is Computer Science?

Think of computer science as the world of theory working behind the scenes to support, challenge and improve the business operations aspects of computer work. This can be done by conceptualising new hardware forms or by creating new software. The goal of these new developments, from a computer science perspective, is to push for new options in the field – to see what new problems computers can solve with the help of their computational power.

In many cases, computer scientists will work on simplifying and developing algorithms, the formulas on which tech applications are based. They do so in order to make programmes and applications more efficient and robust, which means they help develop existing programming languages and programmes, or make new ones.

That’s why computer science career paths are so exciting: the possibilities in this field are endless. Computer scientists combine deep knowledge in mathematics and engineering principles, with a wide range of other skills, according to their passion and interests: design, physics, philosophy, linguistics… That’s why computer science is such a dominant part of today’s world – it really does touch almost everything. 

Job areas

Computer Scientist vs Software Developer vs Software Engineer

If you’ve been interested in a tech career for a while now or have read other guides for how to start your career in the field, you might be asking yourself now about software development or engineering. What are these roles? How are they different from computer science? 

Don’t worry – this guide covers these topics as well. If you’re looking for information on how to become a software developer, or how to become a software engineering, this next section is for you. 

A computer scientist working in his office

Software Development

So, we’ve already covered what is computer science. But how are computer scientists different than software developers, a term that is often mentioned at the same time and seems to be almost identical?

Well, the truth is, a software developer and a computer scientist are two different things. Both are popular career choices among students because software developer jobs are also in high demand and pay well, just like computer science careers.

Simply put, and as obvious as it may sound, software developers are responsible for… developing software. Unlike computer scientists, who deal with the more abstract and theoretical sides of IT, such as algorithm design, software developers focus their efforts on building software that puts these theoretical innovations and standards to use.


Software developers need to have strong programming skills, along with a good understanding of software architecture. Just learning a few programming languages isn’t enough: software developers need to understand the principles of object-oriented design guidelines, so they can build and maintain flexible and stable software.

Two computer scientist working alongside with codes

Sofware Engineer

Now, unlike the road to becoming a computer scientist or a software developer, where a university degree can prepare you well for your first position - how to become a software engineer is a little more complicated. It requires, time, effort, and experience.

Much like data engineers are senior-level data scientists who chose to focus on data architecture – if you want to find out more about that, you can read our data science career guide – software engineers are often experienced software developers, with strong programming and software design skills.

That’s not always the case, though. Some software engineers simply study a degree in software engineering, and find their first job in roles where they work on de-bugging, maintaining, or cleaning up software code.


Regardless of their path, more experienced and successful software engineers find themselves leading software development teams. Their responsibilities are different than your usual team leaders, though – their job is much more technical, and they are often the strongest developers in their team.

Software engineers perform tests and regular de-bugging for software, trying to extend its life-cycle and optimise it as much as possible. In addition, they need to communicate with stakeholders, other managers and sometimes even directly with clients, in order to understand the needs and expectations of the software and its users.

Just like with a career in software development, earning a degree in computer science is a great first step towards a career in software engineering. Computer scientists who work in the private sector, and build experience working on software development projects, have not only great computer science career opportunities, but also great software development or engineering ones.

Why Should I Work as a Computer Scientist?

Are you curious by nature, and love learning new things every day? Do you love puzzles and solving tough problems? Can you spend hours analysing things in detail?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, then very few roles can compete with what computer science career options can offer you. You’ll be constantly on the hunt for solutions to problems, dealing with tough challenges, and tasked with analysing algorithms, code lines and mathematical equations in great detail.

It’s a challenging and often unglamorous job, but for the right person, it can be a source of great passion, fulfillment, and excitement, with new adventures every day and a real sense of being a part of a large community of like-minded tech fanatics.

And the best part? There’s always something new to learn, a new project to fulfill and new problems to solve. You’ll never run out of ideas or possibilities.

Combine that with great salaries, the possibility to work from anywhere in the world, and excellent career prospects as computer scientists are always in great demand, and if you fit the right profile, a career in the field is a really great choice. 

How Do I Know if Computer Science is the Right Career for Me?

Let’s get one thing out of the way first – if you don’t like math, you won’t like working as a computer scientist.

That’s just the plain truth. Computer science careers require professionals to have a strong mathematical background, and a BSc computer science involves a lot of math courses.

Now, that shouldn’t deter you from building a career in tech. You can build a pretty good basis of programming without having great math skills. But if you want to make the most out of your computer science career opportunities, you’ll have to invest in developing your mathematical skills. 

Ok, now that you know that, what other skills do you need? And what else do you need to consider? 

  • You’ll need to have good communication skills: despite the stereotypes – which are sometimes quite accurate, let’s be honest – computer scientists usually don’t work in a bubble. Whether you want to work in research at a university, or as part of a development team at a start-up, you need to be able to talk to people, teach them, lead them, and report to stakeholders and managers. So being able to clearly communicate your ideas is important. 

  • You’ll need to have strong analytical skills: to succeed as a computer scientist, you need to be a problem solver. If you struggle with having to come up with solutions to problems, or prefer working in situations where you can always rely on others for answers, you’ll have a hard time building a successful career in the field. 

  • You’ll need to think creatively: if you like thinking outside the box, and enjoy coming up with new ways of doing or approaching tasks, you’ll likely thrive as a computer scientist. You’ll need to combine this skill with an analytical side, of course, but if you’re able to do so – well, that’s your superpower right there. 

  • You’ll need to be detail-oriented: just being creative and analytical won’t be enough. You need to also pay close attention to the smallest details, and not let anything escape your careful examination. You’ll be going over endless amounts of equations, algorithms, and lines of codes – and all of it is going to require your attention. 

Alright, so now that you know what computer scientists need to do, you’re probably starting to understand why they earn so well, and are so in-demand. This job really isn’t for everyone. 

But, if you’re willing to work hard enough, and if you feel like you have what it takes, the goal is completely within your reach. We believe in you! 

Your roadmap to a career in Computer Science

Decided that computer science is your dream career? Fantastic. Now let’s cover how you can reach that goal, and the steps you need to take in order to become a successful computer scientist.

Factors to Consider

What You Need to Know Before You Start

In this part, we’ll break down the steps you need to take to land your first job as a computer scientist, starting from scratch. This breakdown is also useful if you’re wondering how to become a software developer or how to become a software engineer – the differences will be in the skills you’ll need to develop, but the principles remain the same. 

A woman with yellow sweater enjoys a conversation with her coworkers

Before setting out on your new career journey, it’s worth considering the knowledge, credentials, and skills you already have. There are a few different computer science career paths, and not all of them require the same thing.

What you will need, though, is an academic degree. A survey conducted by Stack Overflow, a popular resource for programmers, has found that 75% of computer scientists have a Bachelor’s, or a higher, academic degree.

Not all of them have a degree in computer science, though. Graduates of mathematics, physics, and some fields of engineering all have the ability to develop a career in computer science after some reskilling.

But if you don’t have a Bachelor’s degree, the numbers indicate that’s the first step you need to take.

The good news is that with IU's blended study model, you can pursue your Computer Science degree with the perfect balance of on-campus and online learning. This format offers you the flexibility to study independently while benefiting from the structure of on-campus tutorials. You'll engage in focused classroom discussions on topics that truly benefit from in-person interaction, while handling other subjects online on your own schedule.

A computer scientist smiles for the camera while working in a laptop

Study Computer Science with a Flexible Blended Model

When it comes to programming, you can absolutely study on your own, using online resources or books. In fact, many programmers do so successfully each year, and start working at entry-level positions or as freelancers.

But that approach can only take you so far. Without a solid theoretical knowledge, a good understanding of math and algorithms, and a strong familiarity with the concepts of why things are done a certain way when it comes to building computer systems – your career will hit a dead-end pretty fast.

If you want to lead teams and project, work on greater, more challenging topics, earn better and have better computer science career options, you’ll need to earn a university degree.

Granted, it takes more time and effort than just learning a few programming languages (which you’ll be doing anyway as part of your studies), but it is the key to a long and successful career in the field.

Fortunately, with universities like IU, you can pursue your studies in Germany through a flexible blended study model. This means that even if you're currently employed and considering a career change, you won't have to compromise your future prospects due to time constraints.

Discover our Computer Science degrees:
Back view of two computer scientist working with data sets

Build Your Skills - Constantly

Earning a university degree in computer science is a huge first step towards building computer science careers. But it shouldn’t end there.

Computer science is a field that’s always changing and evolving, and is very competitive. To have a long and prosperous career, you need to stay up to date, learn new skills, and constantly try to improve.

Now, this might sound scary at first, but you really have nothing to worry about: the same is true for many other jobs these days, and research has shown that professionals who develop new skills regularly have much better career and salary prospects. How much better? Our computer science salary guide page will give you a breakdown of what you can expect to earn as a computer scientist in the US, Germany, India and South Africa.

If you find computer science interesting, you’ll never run out of new things to learn, and new directions to take your career in. The changes and developments are what makes this field so special, and you’ll never be bored or run out of ways to develop professionally within the field.

So, from an early stage in your studies, find out what topics you find more interesting, and as your studies progress, try to dedicate more time to them and learn them in-depth. 

A group of computer scientist in a meeting laughing

Starting Out: Networking and Internships

Something important you should keep in mind once you graduate and have a degree: in computer science, and the tech world in general, the demand is always higher for experienced professionals than it is for young talent.

Don’t let this fact bring you down. Yes, finding your first job can be difficult, and yes, becoming an in-demand, experienced computer scientist will take time. But the benefits when you get to that point are more than worth the effort, and there are things you can do to improve your chances even when starting out.

Just like your efforts to stay up to date and learn new skills all the time will help you be a better computer scientist, so will your efforts to branch out, network and take on as many opportunities as you can.

So, when looking for your first job, make sure to build your network – in fact, this is where studying at a university really helps. Reach out to your professors, tutors, fellow students, and alumni, get to know them, and find out about interesting computer science career opportunities they might know of.


Don’t hesitate to take on internships, too. They’re a great way to build your professional network even more, get more experience in how computer science work looks like on a daily basis, and leave a good impression on employers who could give you helpful references for future jobs.

And hey, internships often turn into full-time work offers, too – so they’re a great first step!

Computer sicentist having a pleasant meeting

Move Up the Ladder: Career Opportunities

From here, the rest is up to you. Thanks to your network, your ability to learn new things and the strong foundation you’ve built in your degree studies, you have everything you need to succeed.

Work hard, challenge yourself, take on new things – and you will be rewarded. As you build your skills and experience further, your computer science career options will grow further, and so will your salary.

In a few years, you can find yourself leading a research lab on campus, running a team of software developers, or starting a ground-breaking new start-up. There are so many different things you can do with a computer science degree.

The journey begins now, and with determination and the strong support from your IU education, the possibilities are endless.

Why Computer Science is a Great Choice

Now that you have your career in computer science roadmap, and you know how to become a computer scientist, let’s summarise and reinforce your decision to go down this exciting career path. You can go back to these points whenever you need extra motivation during your training process, so you never lose track of your goal.

A woman checking her collegue's work in a laptop


Computer scientists are the engine that drives technological innovation. Without them, the world’s biggest companies, from Apple to Meta, would never have existed. As the world becomes increasingly more dependent on technology, in vital efforts such as the fight against climate change or viral diseases, the demand for computer scientists will only grow bigger. New computer science career paths are created every day, around the world. 

A computer scientist smiling with screens showing codes in the background

Financial benefits

Few fields can compete with the salaries offered to experienced computer scientists. The average yearly salary for computer scientists in San Francisco is well above $100,000, and many places in Western Europe offer very high salaries as well. Thanks to the completely digital nature of this work, computer scientists can work from anywhere in the world – so the access to computer science career opportunities is limitless, regardless of where they are located. 

A group of workers in a frinedly meeting checking something in a tablet

An exciting career

Name your passion, and you’ll discover that computer science is involved – and that you can make a career out of it. Music fan? You can help build new music production software. Love sports? Help teams perform better by utilising performance predicting algorithms. Computer science is an endless ocean of possibilities, with computer science career paths that you can pursue and move between. New challenges will wait for you every day, and your work could transform business, industries, and the lives of people around the globe.



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