Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Matthias Eifler, M.B.A.

Professor of: B.Eng. Robotics

Prof. Dr. Matthias Eifler,
Professor of the B.Eng. Robotics

Brief Profile

An expert on industrial measuring device calibration, he has extensive experience in research projects at the University of California and Technische Universität Kaiserslautern. He is also the managing director of Opti-Cal GmbH since 2018.

Research Areas

Matthias Eifler teaches at the IU University of Applied Sciences online studies department since 2020, and he also holds a teaching position at the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, where he graduated with a degree in Mechanical and Process Engineering in 2013.

Following his graduation, Matthias Eifler has worked as a research assistant at the Chair for Measurement Technology and Measurement in Kaiserslautern, while earning a Master’s degree in Business Administration from IU online.

He earned his PhD in Production Metrology in 2016, after which he has worked in different research projects at both the University of California and the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, where he was appointed as a Priv.-Doz. of measurement technology in 2019. In addition, Matthias Eifler acts as the managing director of Opti-Cal GmbH since 2018.

His main research topics are industrial measuring devices calibration and signal processing in the context of geometric product specification.

Selected publications:

  • Eifler, M.; Hering, J.; von Freymann, G.; Seewig, J.: Calibration sample for arbitrary metrological characteristics of optical topography measuring instruments. Optics Express 26 (2018), 13, S. 16609-16623.

  • Eifler, M.; Keksel, A.; Seewig, J.: Comparison of material measures for the determination of transfer characteristics of surface topography measuring instruments. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 7 (2019), 015024.

  • Eifler, M.; Garretson, I.C.; Linke B.S.; Das, J.; Torner, F.; Seewig, J.: Effects of vibratory finishing of 304 stainless steel samples on areal roughness parameters: A correlational analysis for anisotropy parameters. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 273 (2019), 116256.

  • Eifler, M.: Tendenzen und Herausforderungen in der geometrischen Produktspezifikation am Beispiel der Rauheitsmesstechnik. Habilitationsschrift. In: Seewig, J.: (Hrsg.): Berichte aus dem Lehrstuhl für Messtechnik und Sensorik 9. Kaiserslautern, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern (2019).

  • Eifler, M.; Klauer, K.; Seewig, J.; Kirsch, B.; Aurich, J.C.: Model-based design of areal material measures with component surfaces. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 7 (2019), 044003.