Prof. Dr. Tobias Brückmann

Professor of B.Sc. Business & IT

Brief Profile

A professor and course director of the Business & IT programme at IU. Over the last decade, he has worked on various large-scale industrial IT projects for international companies in the insurance, banking and media industries.

Research Areas

Prof. Dr. Brückmann serves as a professor and course director of the Business & IT programme at IU University of Applied Sciences.

Following his studies at the Technical University of Dresden, where he studied computer science with a focus on media, Tobias Brückmann obtained a PhD in Software Technology from the University of Leipzig. He then went on to work as a researcher at the Ruhr Institute for Software Technology.

Over the last decade, he has worked on a large number of industrial IT projects for different international companies, in the insurance, banking and media industries. He has also founded CampusLab GmbH, a start-up focused on developing advanced training tools for IT topics.

Throughout his academic career, Tobias Brückmann has done research on the planning and structuring of business information systems, focusing mostly on the interface between IT departments and other branches within technological companies.

Selected publications:

  • Brückmann, Tobias et. al. (2017): 'Codeless Engineering of Service Mashups – An Experience Report

  • Proceedings of the Fourteenth IEEE International Conference on Services Computing 2017 (SCC 2017).

  • Brückmann, Tobias (2017): Mehr Agilität durch Agilität - Crossfunktionale Teams. In: Business Technology Magazin, Ausgabe 4/17, S. 38-40.

  • Brückmann, Tobias (2017): Digitale Transformation und Flexibilität: Keine Optionen, sondern notwendige Überlebensstrategien. In: Manage it (Nov. 2017), Onlinemagazin, app Verlag GmbH.